
I'm taking a journey with my dog or cat. What do I need to bring?

What to Bring on a Road Trip with a Pet

If you're taking trip with your pet, make sure you have all the necessities:

-- A supply of the animal's favorite food. This is not a time to introduce new foods -- he or she will be much happier with familiar tastes.

-- Bottled water. Pets need to drink regularly, and unfamiliar water may be off-putting to a dog or cat who needs the hydration.

-- Food and water dishes

-- Can opener

-- Pet treats

-- One or two favorite toys or objects

-- Blanket

-- Comb or brush

-- Leash and harness

-- Paper towels

-- Disinfectant/spray deodorant

-- Plastic bag and scoop.

You may also want to bring your pet's rabies certificate and your veterinarian's phone number.

Shipping Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to ship a cat or dog?

Should I hire a professional carrier to ship my pet?

What questions should I ask a horse hauler?

How can I prepare my horse to travel?

What sort of crate or kennel should I use to ship my pet?

What do I need to know to take auto trips with my pet?

I'm taking a journey with my dog or cat. What do I need to bring?

Should I ship my item as freight or as a parcel?

What are standard procedures for shipping freight?

How should I pack my freight shipment?

How can I avoid common problems with freight shipment?

What factors will affect the price of my shipment?

What sort of insurance should I use to cover my shipment?

Which freight shipper should I choose?

I'm shipping freight into or out of the US. What do I need to know?

How can I save money during my move?

What insurance do I need for my move?

How can I help my kids have a positive experience of moving?

Should I hire a mover or move myself?

What's the most efficient way to load a truck for a move?

What are some last-minute things I should remember before leaving my old home?

How should I decide what to keep and what to toss?

What are some tips for moving furniture?

What do I need to know to move a piano?

Does it make sense to have my furniture shipped?

What equipment do I need for my move?

What supplies do I need for my move?

What should NOT go in my moving truck?

What do I need to know to safely move my computer?

What are some guidelines for shipping antiques?

What should I think about in deciding to hire a pro to pack antiques?

How should I pack china, glass, or other fragile items for shipping?

Can I ship large pieces of antique furniture myself?

How can I crate my own art or antiques?

What is the best way to pack electronic devices for shipment?

Should I use a drop shipper?

How can I ship paintings safely?

What should I look for in an art shipping agent?

How do I ship art to another country?

What types of boxes should I use for shipping?

How can I save on shipping costs?

What's the best way to ship a pool table?

What should I know when shipping my collections?

How should I ship large appliances?

How can I ship a bridal gown or other valuable clothing?

What do I need to know to ship a camera?

How should I label my shipment?

I plan on shipping items regularly. What can I do to save time and money?

What are some ideas for packing irregularly shaped items?

How can I make sure a refrigerated shipment arrives safely?

What is dimensional weight?

What are the rules for shipping alcoholic beverages?

What are my choices for shipping products sold in online auctions?

I need to move a person from one place to another. Are there ridesharing services available?

What do I need to do to obtain a commercial driver's license?

How can I become a licensed mover?

How can I ship live plants?

How can I get my goods to a trade show?

I'm in the military and just got my orders. How fast can I move my family to my new location?

How can I ship an arcade game?

How can I ship a spa or hot tub?

I have a large musical instrument. How can I ship it?

Why does shipping cost so much?

How much rest does the U.S. government say a licensed driver must get?

How do I ship my car?

How can I ship my boat?

How can I ship my trailer?

Is there a way to ship my RV?

How can I ship my motorcycle?

Can I hire someone to drive my car to its destination?

What do I need to know to ship a vehicle to another country?

What questions should I ask when hiring a vehicle shipper?

How can I relocate my fleet of business vehicles?

How should I prepare my car for shipping?

How should I prepare my motorcycle for shipping?

How should I prepare my boat for shipping?

How should I prepare my RV for shipping?

What kind of inspection should I perform before shipping a vehicle?

What special considerations are there in shipping an antique vehicle?

Will my insurance cover a vehicle being shipped?

What's the difference between a broker and a direct shipper?

How can I save money on vehicle shipping?

What if my vehicle is damaged in shipping?

Are there special things I need to know to ship a vehicle from Hawaii?

How can I plan my shipping trips to save on money & help bring in more business?

What is the best way to grow my start up shipping company?

Where should I look for references when trying to find a shipping company?

How can I find a good shipping company for a reasonable price?

How can I quickly and easily find shipping quotes?

Do I Need To Place A Deposit On My Shipment?

How Can I Find Cheap Shipping Rates To Ship The Items I Sell?

How Can I Find Someone To Ship My Large Or Unusual Item?

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PJ Campbell